2016-2017 Kindergarten Curriculum Overview - Part 7: Handwriting...

August 19, 2016

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Continuing on with my brief overview of the curriculum we chose to use in Kindergarten, let's talk about handwriting..

*Everyone I know* raves about Handwriting Without Tears - Letters and Numbers for Me, but, I have a mixed opinion. I do think it's great in many ways and I like the terminology it uses to teach the kids -- like the "frog jump," etc. However, Sam isn't much into it. He ends up being incredibly sloppy when working with this and I think it's just a lack of motivation. When I pulled out our Paw Patrol handwriting worksheets that I made last year, he was MUCH more enthusiastic and wrote with much better penmanship! I still plan to use HWT 2 days a week and finish the book, but I also plan to add in other handwriting practice sheets as well and mix things up...

If you're interested in using my Paw Patrol handwriting worksheets, you can individually download them for free here...

Updated 5/14/18...

If you're a fan of the Paw Patrol handwriting worksheets, you might also be interested in my Moana Handwriting worksheets. I created these for my younger son. They're very similar in style -- just different characters...

Or, like the Paw Patrol handwriting worksheets, I also offer the complete set here...

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