2016-2017 Kindergarten Curriculum Overview - PART 10: Art / Games / Mis...
August 19, 2016
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Games / Misc.
For art/crafts, I've kind of let the library take charge of that for now. Since we already attend several activities at our local library each week, I've held off at home. Plus, on the few occasions I planned to break out the paint and let Sam go to town, things get crazy with Caleb and we end up putting it off until "tomorrow" -- tomorrow unfortunately never seems to come with these well laid out plans, ha! I intend to get Sam in a legit art class at a local studio, so until I'm able to get set up, this will do. Yay for charter funds! I also ordered the Draw Write Now series, but we haven't even had a chance to touch that yet, but I hope to this week. It looks super fun!
Speaking of those activities at the library, here's Sam creating his ninja after learning about them during their weekly Little Artist night at the library...
This is after another activity at the library. Poor Caleb is obsessed with those Lightening McQueen rain boots -- too bad we're in a drought!

Games / Misc.
I also ordered a ton of experiment kits (Magic School Bus Space and Chemistry kits, other space-themed kits, magnet experiment kit, etc.), educational games like this and this, and have other little workbooks to mix things up. Target seriously rocks when it comes to fun educational workbooks in the One Spot section! We grabbed up various workbooks on phonics and math, but even more fun are the themed ones based on space, science experiments, the 50 states, the presidents, etc. I also have Leapfrog workbooks that Sam loves. I like to mix those in on occasion to spice things up and give him a little variety.
Here's Sam working on Somebody Board Game -- a game I bought with charter funds For several days after playing this game, he would ask me for more information about things like the trachea and what it does -- I love his thirst for knowledge!
Speaking of games, I never can seem to leave Lakeshore without buying something. The second we got home after their Saturday free craft activity, Sam immediately wanted to break out Scrabble Jr. and play it. Fun times!