2016-2017 Kindergarten Curriculum Overview - Part 5: Cantering The Country...
August 18, 2016
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Continuing on with my brief overview of the curriculum we chose to use in Kindergarten, let's talk about Cantering the Country...
If your child has a love for geography, I highly recommend Cantering the Country! It covers everything -- geography, science, history, language arts, and character building. However, unlike Saxon, CTC does require a LOT of preparation. After doing a basic overview of each state, it goes on for a couple pages listing tons of ideas for each subject -- mainly with books linked to science, history, language arts, etc. that you can reserve at the library. Included with the curriculum is a CD that offers printables that you can download and use as well. So far, I have found it to be very helpful.
Even though this curriculum requires preparation ahead of time, I still like it. If I remember to do it ahead of time, it's nice since I can just order all of the recommended books online that I'd like to incorporate in our lessons and then just pick them up at the library. So far, we've covered Alabama and Alaska. Sam has really been enjoying it!
**Ultimately, CTC is a really good starting point. If you want it all laid out, this isn't for you. However, if you want the flexibility of choosing how you approach geography, it gives you lots of options.**
Cantering the Country is meant for grades 1-6. However, the website that I ordered it from said K-6, and that's how I even found it. I was looking for Kindergarten Geography and this is what popped up. You can really go at whatever pace you'd like. I've read some people take a few years to get through the book. Others rush right through it in a year. We're currently covering a state a week with a short lesson everyday -- either a coloring page, a video, book, or craft. Sam is really loving it!
To dig deeper, here's an example from our week of learning about Alabama...
In the photo below, you can see the first page about Alabama in CTC along with all the books I ordered from the library that were listed in the different categories within CTC (science, history, language arts, character building, etc.). Sam already loves getting the reference books about each state, so this was an easy task -- he finds them more intriguing than I do! Considering that Sam is in LOVE with all things astronomy, he really enjoyed learning about Robert Goddard -- the man behind the world's first liquid-fueled rocket. After reading all about Alabama and finding out that they have a Space Camp, he totally wants to go. Ha!
We covered Alaska on our second week, but we didn't end up grabbing as many books for this state since we already own several. However, here's the set that I got from the CTC recommended list. It's not pictured, but I also followed the recommendation to watch the 1990s cartoon, Balto. Sam really enjoyed that! He continually asked questions throughout the movie about things he had learned in the books we had read before watching the film, which I love! It reassures me that he's soaking up all this knowledge!
To add to the books recommended for our Cantering the Country lessons, we start each week out with finding the state on the globe...
We've also been playing these awesome National Geographic Kids videos about each state and Sam loves them! By the end of the week, Sam had a firm grasp on the state flag, bird, flower, etc...
We also do a different activity every day to go along with that particular state. Here's Sam with his drawing of the Alaskan flag after learning the story behind it...
And sort of related, cute little Caleb is constantly wanting to join in on sharing his work, too...
(I put a coloring page in a cheap IKEA frame and he uses dry erase crayons so it's endless entertainment.)